Active Groups
Circle of Friends (English Ladies’ Group)
This English-speaking group attempts to meet monthly (generally the fourth Saturday of the month) except July and August. Although the members are primarily women under 65, it is open to all. The group helps organize various activities in the church, and is a place for discussion and fellowship.
Frohe Runde (The Happy Circle)
This German-speaking group meets monthly on the third Saturday of the month at2pm - 4pm. While geared towards seniors, it is open to all; many non-church members attend. Meetings are moderated by an M.C., and an emphasis is placed on funny jokes, stories, movies and German folksongs. Refreshments are served. Birthdays are celebrated.
Currently meets to prepare 2-3 Sunday services a year.
Adult Education/ Bible Study
Meets starting on Tuesday March 12th at 2:30pm at church for periods at a time, in English or German to study the Bible or other faith issue. Will be led by Pastor Victoria Featherston.
Book Study
Call it Grace written by Serene Jones.
Starting Wednesday April 10th at 7:00pm
Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
Inviting Advanced and Beginner Knitters and Crocheters to gather together for Fellowship and community projects in the church hall.
Starting Thursday April 11th at 2pm in the church hall. ALL ARE WELCOME!
Games Night
Meets on the last Friday of the month at 7:00pm
in the church hall Snacks are always welcomed
Bring your favorite board game
There will be not Games night during the summer months, see you all in September